Grief and Traumatic Grief Support
for people in all circumstances
For those experiencing suicide loss:
Healing Conversations Request Form
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Grief and Trauma Chaplaincy (GTC) is operated by Senior Chaplains Merle and Cindy Meyers. GTC provides support to help those grieving and hurting through the loss of loved ones or other life losses, and caring for those living through a traumatic event.
"Traumatic grief is not a disorder, it is a rite of passage.”

Current Community Outreach​
TRAUMA REBOOT Course Leader - Marysville, WA
Psychological Autopsy Investigator (suicidology)
Swedish Hospital Bereavement – Survivors of Suicide/Traumatic Loss and Journey of Grief group facilitator, and one-on-one support
Restorative Retelling group co-facilitator
Trauma/grief community group facilitator with wife Senior Chaplain Cindy
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (A.F.S.P.) - Volunteer Coordinator, Healing Conversations Volunteer, and co-facilitator for the annual A.F.S.P. International Suicide Survivors Day group, AFSP Policy Team Member
Corporate Whistle-blower/family care & support
Chaplain - Trainer ~ Facilitator Grief Companioning Project (G.C.P.)
Chaplain - Everett Royals Semi-Pro Football Team
Community Mental Health Coaching
Critical Incident Stress Debrief/Management (C.I.S.D.)
REBOOT Trauma Recovery - Leader ~ Trainer - January 2023
American Association of Suicidology - Psychological Autopsy Investigator - August 2022
American Association of Suicidology - Psychological Autopsy Cert. Training. - April 2022
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) - Summit and panel member at 13th Annual Talk on the Hill with Federal legislators on suicide prevention research, education and infrastructure funding, and 9-8-8 Crisis Response Line implementation - 2021
Light University – C-MHC 101; C-MHC 201; C-MHC 301 – Mental Health Coaching; Mental Health Behavioral Disorders; and Mental Health Assessment; GAL 101; GAL 201- Master’s Certification in Trauma, Grief, and Loss – Specialty Areas - 2020
International Board of Christian Care (I.B.C.C.) – Master’s Board Certification
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc. (I.C.I.S.F.) – Assisting Individuals In Crisis - 2020
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc. (I.C.I.S.F.) – Group Crisis Intervention- 2020
Mental Health Academy/American Association of Suicidology (A.A.S.) – World Suicide Prevention Summit - 2020
Pongo Poetry Project - Facilitating Therapeutic Writing – 2020
Storycorps with Institute for Human Caring – Hear Me Now Facilitator – 2018
Virginia Mason Hospital – Restorative Connection with the Deceased Conference - 2019
International Alliance of Chaplain Corps (I.A.O.C.C.) – Senior Chaplain – 2018
Victim Support Services (V.S.S.) – Victims of Crime Act (V.O.C.A.) approved training - 2018
Virginia Mason Hospital – Restorative Retelling (Sudden & Violent Death) – 2018
Chaplaincy Health Care – Volunteer Core Training - 2017
Providence Hospice – Patient Volunteer Core Training - 2014
Providence Hospice – Vigil Volunteer Training - 2014
Current Community Outreach
Swedish Hospital Bereavement –Journey of Grief/Survivors of Suicide/Traumatic Loss group facilitator and one-on-one support
SUPPORT 7 South County (Fire/Police) Chaplaincy - Admin.
Restorative Retelling group co-facilitator, One-on-one phone support
Life Bible Church – Sunday School teacher; Church officer
Community Advocacy volunteer
Trauma/grief Group Facilitator and Speaker with husband Senior Chaplain Merle
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (A.F.S.P.) - Volunteer Coordinator, Healing Conversations Volunteer, and co-facilitator for the annual A.F.S.P. International Suicide Survivors Day group, AFSP Policy Team Member
Corporate Whistle-blower/family care & support
Caregiver – Elder and Children's community of support care, on-call
Chaplain - Everett Royals Semi-Pro Football Team
Chaplain - Trainer ~ Facilitator Grief Companioning Project (G.C.P.)
Critical Incident Stress Debrief/Management (C.I.S.D.)
REBOOT Trauma Recovery - Leader ~ Trainer - January 2023
American Association of Suicidology - Psychological Autopsy Cert. Training. - April 2022
Live Your Best Business Life workshop - 2021
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Summit and panel member at 13th Annual Talk on the Hill with Federal legislators on suicide prevention research, education and infrastructure funding, and 9-8-8 Crisis Response Line implementation - 2021
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc. (I.C.I.S.F.) – Assisting Individuals In Crisis – 2020
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc. (I.C.I.S.F.) – Group Crisis Intervention – 2020
Mental Health Academy – Suicide Prevention Summit – 2020
Pongo Poetry Project - Facilitating Therapeutic Writing – 2020
Virginia Mason Hospital – Restorative Connection with the Deceased – 2019
Storycorps with Institute for Human Caring – Hear Me Now Facilitator – 2018
International Alliance of Chaplains Corps (IAOCC) – Senior Chaplain – 2018
Washington Community Chaplain Corps (WC3) – Senior Chaplain – 2018
Victim Support Services (VSS) – Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) approved training – 2018
Virginia Mason Hospital – Restorative Retelling (Sudden & Violent Death) – 2018
Chaplaincy Health Care – Volunteer Core Training – 2017
Providence Hospice – Vigil Volunteer Training – 2014
Providence Hospice – Home Health Care Companion Volunteer Training – 2014
Providence Hospice – Patient Volunteer Core Training – 2014
Everett Community College – Associate Degree, Business Administration

Trauma Grief Healing Group and Module 1 Facilitator/Companioning
training (for pastors & community leaders) in Nairobi’s Kawangware Slum.
“The love and compassion made it easy to open up and share. I appreciated how you kept us on task, in a luring and gentle way. It really helped to know there is no ‘right way' to grieve.”
-Donna Y.. Pacific Northwest
“I lost my father during election violence through a painful death. I lost my mother-in-law weeks ago, and for the first time, I had a nice sleep after the debriefing. I am indeed in peace now and feel blessed. -Grace W. (pastor’s wife), East Africa
"I have a counselor that has been helpful for me in dealing with my loss by suicide, but this has been at a whole new level... I actually have hope for the future."
-Julie S, Pacific Northwest
"I was really struggling when I got back to this state the month after [my brother's] suicide... I was all alone and didn't know anyone here. I was experiencing PTSD type reactions and severe panic attacks and ended up in the emergency room on numerous occasions, spending a lot of money on doctor bills and constantly calling out of work. I was contemplating whether my own life was worth living after the loss of him and the isolation and panic I was experiencing. I lost 30 lbs. in that month. This made the quality of my life very poor.
Now I am back to work and finding encouragement in surprising places. Thank you for all of the time and resources that you've provided to me, and for reaching out to me, and for being so kind. You probably helped save my life as it had gotten so hard at times that I just wanted to be with my brother. A lot of what you said and your materials provided have given me hope. Still a long and challenging road ahead. Thank you.
-Jessica N, USA
“I appreciate knowing we each grieve our own way. I don’t need to feel guilty or judged. I am normal. I learned how to respond to others who need to grieve. The class was good and covered our needs. I feel good that we could trust and be vulnerable.”
-Pat W., Pacific Northwest
Yesterday my daughter told me I am a completely different person since I spent the time with all of you. I hesitantly asked her if that was a good thing, I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear the answer. She said it was a very good thing. I have all of you to thank for that, what a journey that group was…and I’m grateful for having spent it with each one of your beautiful souls.”
-Deborah S., Pacific Northwest
I have learned a lot and feel delivered from the yoke of slavery. I was in the bondage of not knowing how to release my father from the pain I experienced under him. Honestly, this is a great ministry lacking in the church today and all pastors need this immediately.”
-Pastor Henry N., East Africa
“Hearing others’ stories, comments, etc., made me feel like I wasn’t alone or something wrong with me for not being over my grief.” -Cindy L., Pacific Northwest
“Gratitude for allowing us to openly share about our loved ones. For being told it is okay to grieve without a time limit. No ‘shoulds’ to be over it by now. I love your compassionate, caring hearts.” -Terri C., Pacific Northwest
“I am blessed especially on retelling my story. I used to grieve silently, but now will be ready to share my pain and grief. We shall gather together and support one another, and extend this ministry to the community to prevent suicides.”
-Pastor Donald W., East Africa
“Pastors and church leaders have myths that men of the collar should be strong and tough in hard times. We need an opportunity to learn and experience real-life issues such as this workshop. I recommend more of these and follow up for strong and healthy communities.”
-Pastor Alfred O., East Africa

More about Senior Chaplains Merle and Cindy
Merle and Cindy Meyers have been married for several decades and have two adult children who serve their local communities extensively along with their wonderful spouses. The couple now enjoys their eleven bright and joyful grandchildren along with the children of numerous nieces, nephews, and friends. "Pops and Grandma" make their home in the Seattle area where Merle is an end-of-life Spiritual Care Chaplain, and Cindy shares parent visiting and caregiving with her sisters and runs a small company.
Merle and Cindy have volunteered regularly and received their extensive Bereavement and Traumatic Loss Healing training through local Seattle area hospitals and support agencies. Soon after beginning one-on-one and group facilitations, they discovered that community and global outreaches for people experiencing significant life losses typically offered only limited, if any, effective healing resources. They developed their ministry to better serve those in immediate emotional crisis and established this website to bring free resources to people seeking skills and hope for coping and growing through the empty spaces and changes they face. Merle and Cindy receive national and international referrals, particularly for Companioning training and traumatic loss support.
Our great appreciation goes to the many contributors to this site and partners who have generously shared their experiences and offered words of wisdom to you on these pages.